Our Chapters
The local chapters are the heart of the College Democrats of Oklahoma. From Chickasha to Tulsa, we’re proud to have four chartered chapters across rural and urban Oklahoma with more on the way.
Oklahoma State University
President: Camryn Paulson
Contact: okstatecollegedemocrats@gmail.com
Instagram: @osucollegedems
Facebook: OSU College Democrats
University of Oklahoma
President: Shrey Kathuria
Contact: shreydev.kathuria@gmail.com
Instagram: @oucollegedemocrats
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
President: Ryan Moses
Contact: usaocollegedemocrats@gmail.com
Instagram: @usaocollegedemocrats
Northeastern State University
President: Rachel Hughes
Contact: hughes64@nsuok.edu
Instagram: @nsucollegedems
University of Central Oklahoma
Coming Soon!
Langston University
Coming Soon!
University of Tulsa
Coming Soon!
Rose State University
Coming Soon!
Cameron University
Coming Soon!
South Eastern Oklahoma State University
Coming Soon!
Rogers State University
Coming Soon!